
I'm 24

I think this blog just grows with me as I age.
I'm 24 now, I don't feel any different but so much has changed.

A lot of self-reflection on my part and slow acceptance of what I am and what my limitations are.

I'm 23

I just thought I'd write a post on my birthday. It was really great to celebrate it with my friends, family and co-workers.

(Why did I never update anything. This was saved in my drafts for so long....)

Being 23 was a journey, so much has happened this past year. I guess I didn't have much to reflect on. It's been a crazy yet boring year.


Good Luck

As I'm beginning to stand on my own two feet and stick up for myself, I wish for a bit of good luck to get through this.

Sending good vibes to everyone out there speaking up and becoming their own person.

☕ vivienne
